Mothers' Prayer Group
On Monday 8th December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception we will have been holding our Mother's Prayer Group meetings for five years. We will make a request to Fr Terry to say Mass for our group and their intentions.
Now the refurbishment is completed we hope once again to hold open meetings in the Church with Fr Terry's permission these will start in 2015 with refreshment in the Parish Room afterwards. We hope this will encourage all women to come along and see what it entails and perhaps start a group of their own, as the suggested number per group is seven/eight members, this is to encourage sharing but ensures confidentiality.
Our group of eight continues to meet once a month in each others homes, and cannot stress enough the Graces we received by turning to God for help. Unfortunately, there have been serious health issues among our number this year.
However, we have prayed for healing and are pleased to report they are much improved. As mothers we have come to rely on this meeting, praying and sharing in confidence, no only for our children and families but praying especially for the sick in our Parish family.
As we have been having such lovely weather this year we paid a visit to Our Lady Star of the Sea Ilfracombe in July, we prayed and shared in this beautiful and tranquil space and before we knew it we had been there fore two hours. After lunch we had a walk to see 'Verity' and a general look round, the weather was kind and did not rain much until we started for home.
We have decided to take a trip each year and our forward planning is to visit Lynton and see the Sisters and another time visit Barnstaple. These will be arranged nearer the time. Should any other mothers wish to start a similar group (which should be no more than eight mothers a group as sharing is confidential) please contact:- Mrs Pat Cutting Tel: 01237 425881 for details.
Or look out in the Church Newsletter for our Open Meetings.
(Information received for the Parish In Council Meeting October 2014)