Knights of St Columba
We continue to raise money for Mary's Meals (our National Action Project) -
the aim is to make sure that every child has at
least one good meal a day at school. One of the
projects currently underway is to build a new
school kitchen in Chisalankhanga Primary School,
Karonga, Northern Malawi feeding 631 children.
Regular Quiz nights take place at Fremington Parish Hall. Apart from fund raising these are very popular social events.
Our midweek lunches are also good occasions for brothers and their wives and friends to gather and enjoy conversation and good food.
A number of brothers attended a day retreat at Honiton in the summer of 2014 and we organise Advent retreats. In November we attend Buckfast Abbey for our annual Mass for decreased brothers and families.
We continue to monitor "Care not Killing" the Falconer Bill which will face scrutiny at the committee stage. Our prayers and readiness will be greatly needed.
If there are any men in the parish who would like to find out more about the KSC we would invite them to attend one of our meetings.
Gerald Crowe
(Information provided for Parish in Council October 2014)