Street Pastors
Eileen and I continue to serve as Prayer Pastors on a Saturday night when the Street Pastors go out on patrol. We try to do a duty about once a month. Being a Prayer Pastor is rewarding as we meet Christians from all different denominations and it is great to be able to share and pray with them for any issues that the Street Pastors may phone into us at base.
We welcome any enquiries from anyone who feels that they might life to come along and see what goes on.
Gerald & Eileen Crowe
September 2014
Further information on Street Pastors...
The Bideford Street Pastors is part of an interdenominational church response to the problems of urban society, which since 2003 has trained over 7,000 volunteer street pastors in the UK and around the World.
The Bideford Street Pastors are out on patrol every Saturday night caring, listening and helping. They go out in a team of four and keep in contact at regular intervals with a team of Prayer Pastors who remain in the Base, which is at the Baptist Church. The Street Pastors use a mobile phone to communicate with the prayer team and phone in every 15 to 20 minutes to report on their situation.
The Prayer Pastors provide spiritual support whenever the Street Pastors telephone into the Base. They also prepare food and drink for the Street Pastors when they come back to Base for a rest. Rarely will prayer team consist of members of the same church, so a range of traditions and practices will be part of their prayer nights. Some will be used to extempore prayer, others to written or silent prayer. Some can come for the whole night, some for less time.
If you would like any further information regarding
the above contact the Presbytery or visit the
Bideford Street Pastors
(Information provided for Parish In Council Meeting October 2014)