Women's World Day of Prayer
Women's World Day of Prayer is a global movement of prayer and prayerful action, organised and led by Christian women who call the faithful together on the first Friday in March each year to observe a common day of prayer.
The service is written by a different country each year and that country then becomes the focus of the world's prayers on the day itself. The day begins as dawn breaks over the islands of Tonga in the Pacific and continues across each continent until the last services of the special day are held back in the Pacific, on the island of Samoa, circling the world in prayer for 36 hours.
The symbol of the Women's World Day of Prayer was designed in 1982 for the service prepared by women of Ireland, both north and south, and was then adopted as the International logo.
The design comprises arrows converging from the four points of the compass, four figures kneeling in prayer, the Celtic cross and a circle representing the world and our unity through all our diversity.
Each year a different Church or organisation plays host extending a welcome to all wishing to participate, families are also most welcome to attend.
For more information visit the Women's World Day of Prayer
Women's World Day of Prayer is a global movement of prayer and prayerful action, organised and led by Christian women who call the faithful together on the first Friday in March each year to observe a common day of prayer.
March 2014 WWD of Prayer Bideford Committee was extremely privileged to hold our Service here at the Sacred Heart Church. It was entitled 'Streams in the Desert' and written by Christian women of Egypt. Marguerite and I felt extremely proud at the way you all participated to make the day a wonderful moving experience, however, most grateful thanks have to be offered to Fr Terry for not only permitting us the use of our church but taking part in the actual service - depicting Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Thanks also to Eileen Crowe our guest speaker and to Pat Hawkins for leading the service, the music is excellent.
The day was well attended and £193 was raised through collection and donations. The money is sent to a central fund and distributed to worthy causes including our own CAFOD which receives an annual donation of £5,000. The National Committee of GB have just announced that in 2013 we raised £41,320 for worthy causes.
2015 is the turn of the Methodist Church - High Street, Bideford (still to be confirmed). Entitled Do you know what I have done for you? - written by Christian Woman of the Bahamas. Depicting our Lord washing the feet of the Disciples and dialog with St Peter…John 13:1-17.
As always volunteers are requested to take part in the service, readers, greeters, singers, help with refreshments etc. We have parts for 16 individuals PLEASE - should be very colourful.
We are a very small group from various denominations, we meet in January for a planning meeting, Coffee Morning in February, always successfully organized and run by Marguerite, the actual Service Day is the first Friday in March followed by our AGM a week later. However the work for the Secretary (me) commences in October with planning service, advertising in local press etc. and creating props for service etc. Anyone interested in becoming a member or in fact becoming secretary please feel free to speak with Marguerite Witney or myself Sheila Mitchell.
Both Marguerite and I, wish to extend our sincere thanks for all support and encouragement received.
"Streams in the Desert"
Prepared by Christian Women of EgyptThis event took place in the Methodist church presented by members of the Holy Family church, the Methodists and the Church of England.
Following recent events in this country it was timely to remember the very different ways in which water affects lives all over the world. Without the Nile there is no land of Egypt.
Today the Christian Church is still strong in Egypt even in the volatile present situation. Rural poverty is widespread and education for girls is restricted.
By symbols, readings, hymns, prayer and especially the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well the service used the theme of water to emphasis its overwhelming significance in our Christian lives.
(Information provided for Parish In Council Meeting October 2014)